Wolfgang & Hutchings Apartment
Based on the popular romantic vision of a center table surrounded by kitchenware (ideally a 'Tuscany farm' table in a large 'rustic' room strewn with game and fowl), this small kitchen renovation is the modern urbanized version with sleek appliances, a black and white palette, typical pre-war Manhattan tiling, and a Zabar's-like display of copperware.
The kitchen area (carved from the former kitchen and maid's room) is ringed with secondary household support (laundry, freight, broom closet, powder room) and two windows. The kitchen, outfitted with stock cherrywood cabinets, surrounds the center table. This 'farm' table has evolved into a central piece of furniture -- a meld of dining, 'island' countertop, and cooking center. And, the table, in turn, houses a full size oven and cooktop (with a gasline-concealing stretcher).
Undoubtedly there's a tasty pollo arrosto in the oven.
New York City
1991 / 2006